Equity Diversity and Inclusion


Socio-cultural factors such as globalization, immigration and differences in cultural identity mean we are likely to be employed in more demographically diverse workplaces. Diversity in race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, age, religion, disability and sexual orientation play a significant role in shaping an individual’s values, experiences, and world perceptions and influencing how an individual interacts with others. While our differences contribute to rich and innovative thinking, they can also be a source of conflict when diversity is not managed effectively. To thrive in diverse environments, we must engage in self-reflection, unpack terms such as equity, diversity and inclusion and create equal access to participation and opportunity in our workplaces for all individuals. This workshop, led by Lorena Solis and co-facilitator Samantha Jones, is intended to create a safe and courageous space in which we can:

  1. Learn how to define equity, diversity and inclusion.
  2. Engage in meaningful and critical dialogues about challenges that arise in diverse environments.
  3. Explore solutions for creating more diverse and inclusive spaces.
Lorena Solis
Lorena Solis
Research Assistant, Individual and Team Performance Lab
Samantha Jones
Samantha Jones
Senior Research Assistant, Individual and Team Performance Lab